Saturday, March 03, 2007

Intel vPro, Big Brother ?

I thought that Intel's vPro technology was just some marketing hype on some already existing technology.

Well, apparently, it's not all hype. As the video will demonstrate, it does offer some very interesting built in tools for serious enterprise system administrators and possibly Big Brother ;-)

As a side note, I actually feel disturbed that someone from the cable company can remotely connect to my cable box and potentially find out what I am watching ;-)


  1. Hey...have you seen this link - - it is a community focused on Manageability and Intel AMT

  2. No, I haven't, but I will definitely take a look.

    Thanks gunjan.

  3. hey,
    That is a common misconception that the privacy of the user is compromised with the vPro technology. Actually, that is really not the case because the manageability engine really does not have access to any data that is stored on the user's machine. And, you can't get to the OS through AMT unless you have already compromised the OS, in which case, who cares that you hacked the management engine.

    You should read this blog post ...

  4. Thanks for the correction and thanks for visiting.
